Articles by Dr. Currey




Foundations of Health, Digestion Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T Foundations of Health, Digestion Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T

Happy Healthy Guts!

Health starts in our guts. We often hear that we are what we eat, but that’s just part of it. A more accurate phrase would be: we are what we absorb. Let’s explore the lining of our digestive tracts and learn more about healthy function. This is a continuation of our journey with Calendula as this sunny herb can help soothe and heal irritations all along our digestive tracts.

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Foundations of Health, Digestion, Liver, Dandelion Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T Foundations of Health, Digestion, Liver, Dandelion Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T

Your Ever-Loving Liver

We all know that our liver is important, but how much do we really know about the liver? Let’s explore this extremely important organ and come to a better understanding and appreciation of it. The liver is involved in five main areas of body functioning: filtering your blood, digestion via bile production, blood sugar regulation, blood clotting, and biotransformation of endogenous (made by the body) and exogenous (introduced to the body) toxins - AKA detoxification.

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Healing What Ails You, Digestion, Flax Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T Healing What Ails You, Digestion, Flax Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T

Constipation is a Pain!

One thing that can really take the pep out of our step is constipation. The weighed down, bloated, dragging feeling can follow us for days, weeks, or longer. Before you jump for the laxative aisle at the pharmacy, you may want to consider a few natural remedies. Additionally, if you have tried the below remedies and you are still having issues with constipation, you may want to consult with your doctor to see if there is a larger issue that needs to be addressed. For chronic issues, my go-to window is 4-6 weeks of consistent treatment before I seek pharmaceutical interventions. If it’s an acute or intense issue, my window narrows to 24 hours if things are getting worse or 48 hours if there is no change.

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