Tutoring and Study Groups

Are you working through your training as a Upledger-style CranioSacral Therapist and looking for some extra hands-on support? I would love to help you. A bit about my training and credentialing:

  • Classes taken:

    • CS1-SER2

    • Advanced 1

    • Working with Chronic Depletion

    • Touching the Inner Physician

    • The Brain Speaks 1

    • CranioSacral Therapy and the Immune Response

    • Advanced Mouthwork Protocol

    • Systems Informed Body Mind Therapy - The Body

  • Certifications:

    • Techniques Certified (CST-T)

    • Study Group Leader

    • Qualified to TA and experienced with TAing:

      • CS1-SER1

      • CSWCD

Study Groups:

I do not currently have an active study group; however, I am open to starting a new group. To do so, I would need four people who are ready to study and practice together regularly. We could do so in my clinic space on weekends, or on Tuesdays or Fridays in a space that you provide. If you have a group and are ready to work, please fill out the form below.

1:1 Tutoring:

If you would like personalized guidance and support, you can schedule a visit with me during my regular patient hours. These visits will include time to ask questions, practice skills. Please bring a partner to practice on. My current hourly rate for tutoring is $111 and is eligible for my sliding scale.


Maybe you are working with someone and think additional assistance or guidance from a more experienced practitioner would be helpful. In that case, they can schedule an appointment with me to receive care. With their consent, you can join us during the session for a co-treatment where we can work together using multiple hands. After the session, we will review what was done, and you will have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.


I understand the historical importance of trading services with other providers. I however am unable to trade services. I find that this complicates my therapeutic relationships and compromises the care I both give and receive. I personally must clearly separate my personal care from the care that I provide.

If you are looking to trade services with another CranioSacral Therapist, I encourage you to make connections with your fellow students in CST classes.

Other Resources for CST Practitioners:

There is no need to feel isolated as a CST practitioner! Get involved with your community and other study groups. I have been active in all of the resources listed below at one point in time, and I highly recommend them:

CST Mastery, Susan Steiner’s online mentorship site, is a treasure trove of hours of helpful videos. It's a unique platform that allows you to deepen your understanding of CST and the SER process in a comprehensive and interactive way.

Karen Axelrod’s study groups and mentorship: A great resource for digging deep on anatomy and preparing for the techniques exam.

The Association for Bodymidspirit Therapy: Eric Moya’s website full of great resources, classes, and mentorship.

International Association of Healthcare Practitioners: This is the location of your therapist profile and medallion membership information. Be sure to keep your profile updated!

Upledger Alumni Facebook Page: A great place to interact with your fellow CST practitioners and search for wisdom on tricky conditions/situations.