Articles by Dr. Currey




B Vitamins, b12, Nutrition Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T B Vitamins, b12, Nutrition Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T

Cobalamin (B12) & Health

B12 is the last of our water-soluble B-complex vitamins. It plays many important roles and is closely connected to the actions of folate. It is a large and complex molecule that requires a well-functioning digestive system for absorption and is commonly deficient in those over 60 due to a natural decline in digestive function. Low vitamin B12 levels have been associated with several different diseases.

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B Vitamins, Nutrition Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T B Vitamins, Nutrition Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T

Biotin (B7) & Health

Biotin for hair and nails? Not so fast. Biotin is a necessary nutrient for many biological processes including fetal development and the regulation of our DNA, but those hair and nail supplements are just a great marketing trick. Dive in to learn more about B7.

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B Vitamins, Nutrition Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T B Vitamins, Nutrition Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T

Vitamin B5 & Health

B5 is also known as pantothenic acid and it is a nutrient that is essential for all living things. It is also abundantly available in many different foods. Let’s explore this nutrient that plays vital roles in our energy production, the regulation of our DNA, helps us make acetylcholine, and so much more!

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Thiamin, B Vitamins, Food as Medicine, Nutrition Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T Thiamin, B Vitamins, Food as Medicine, Nutrition Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T

Vitamin B1 & Health

Thiamin (B1) plays an important role in energy production. It is involved in the metabolism and energy extraction of carbohydrates, branched-chain amino acids, and fatty acids. (1) Without thiamin, we wouldn’t be able to make ATP - the chemical form of energy produced by our mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell!).

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Food as Medicine, Foundations of Health, B Vitamins Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T Food as Medicine, Foundations of Health, B Vitamins Danielle Q Currey, ND, CST-T

Choline & Health

Have you heard of this vitamin-like nutrient that is essential for human health? I admit, I must have glossed over this nutrient in my medical education, because it didn’t register on my radar other than as a supplement until a few years ago. In this week’s article, we will explore this nutrient and some of the structures and processes it is important for. We will then look at food sources and discuss supplementation.

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